October 14, 2009

Home Remedies For Hormonal Or Menstrual Migraines

Posted in Category : Women's Health

There is a close connection between migraines and the female sex hormones. A woman’s body goes through many biological changes, psychological and physical, during the menstrual cycle. The chemical and physical process of producing sex hormones, progesterone and estrogen, have an effect on the entire body. A menstrual migraine is a condition that occurs, in some women, with reduced levels of estrogen. You might notice that the migraines most likely happen in the two days that lead up to your period and then the first three days of your period. This type of migraine can last longer than other kinds. Menstrual headaches affect about 12.6 million women in the United States.

Menstrual headaches can be of two types; these are menstrual migraines and pure menstrual migraines. Menstrual migraines occur just before you get your periods and pure menstrual migraines happen during the course of your periods. The symptoms of menstrual migraines are quite similar, to the classic migraine symptoms, although they are more severe and more frequent. The headaches are accompanied with pulsating pain usually on one side of the head. Other symptoms may be extreme sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting. Some studies have shown that menstrual headaches may be linked to birth control pills that contain estrogen. The symptoms of the hormonal migraines were found to be more severe in women taking these particular kinds of birth control pills.

Treatment for menstrual pain involve intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication. Apart from these, diuretics may also be prescribed for excess fluid retention during periods to alleviate some of the symptoms. There are home remedies for menstrual migraines as well, that can help to relieve you from these hormonal headaches, and these are:

  • Hot and Cold Compresses: Place a towel moistened with hot water on the forehead and other sensitive and tired muscles. You can also use a hot pad followed by a cooling pack to ease the pressure and pain of the migraine. Hot compresses work to soothe the affected areas while cold compresses constrict the dilated blood vessels that have happened due to a migraine.
  • Ginger: Is effective in treating nausea. You can have it in the form of tea or add it to your food. To make ginger tea, grate a teaspoon of ginger and add it to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for about 5 to 7 minutes, strain and drink.
  • Feverfew: Is an herb that helps to reduce the symptoms of migraines. Its anti-inflammatory properties assist in decreasing sensitivity to light, nausea and vomiting.
  • Juices: certain juices have been known to lower the magnitude of menstrual migraines. Fresh carrot, grape or spinach juice can be quite effective in treating your headaches. You can also have a combination of 100 ml of beetroot juice mixed with 250 ml each of carrot and cucumber juice.
  • Essential Oils: Massaging or adding drops of essential oils to a hot and cold compress, to your forehead can be therapeutic. It is important though to use high-quality and pure essential oils as cheap ones may just aggravate the condition. Oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender and rosemary help with menstrual migraines.
  • Keep a Diary: Maintain a diary of foods, smells, weather conditions and stress that could be triggers of hormonal headaches during your menstrual period. This will help you chart a trend, helping you to avoid the things that could make you more vulnerable to these headaches.
  • Avoid Certain Foods: Certain foods and drinks aggravate migraines like alcohol, coffee, dairy products, chocolates, tobacco, citrus fruits, processed foods and preservatives.
  • Yoga: There are some yoga exercises that can help relieve you of menstrual migraine symptoms. Meditation is also a good way to gain respite from this condition.


  1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17622911