July 30, 2009

Chinese Acupuncture with Needles

Posted in Category : Acupressure

The word Acupuncture is derived from the Latin word “Acus” which means needle and “Pungere” which means pricking. Acupuncture technique is a therapy that involves the insertion of needles into specific points called Acupuncture points so as to alleviate pain and leverage therapeutic advantages.

The origin of Acupuncture is in Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) theory, which advocates the regulation of acupuncture points. These points are located on meridians along which an invisible form of energy called Qi flows in the body.

Acupuncture therapy boosts your physical, mental and spiritual health. Some of the advantages of Acupuncture techniques are as follows:

  • It relives pain and hence often eliminates the need to take medicines or drugs.
  • It assists the patients in quick recovery by providing them with energy.
  • It strengthens your immune system and thereby helps you fight against various infections and diseases.
  • The action of Acupuncture treatment is long term as compared to the effects of medications.
  • Acupuncture treatment doesn’t have side effects.

Acupuncture Therapies

Acupuncture therapy involves the insertion of needles in the meridian pathways. There are twelve main meridians that run through the body, namely the bladder, gall bladder, heart, kidney, liver, lung, large intestine, spleen, pericardium, small intestine, stomach, and triple heater. Needles are generally placed in the areas of trouble, but may be placed at distant locations too.

The Acupuncture needles are fine and made of stainless steel. When the needle is inserted in the respective pressure points, you may experience slight pain for a while, but the pain fades away once the needles are in the Acupuncture points. If you experience discomfort after the insertion of needles, you may infer that there has been a flaw in the technique of placing the needles in the points.

The needles are kept in the points for a variable duration, ranging from five to fifteen minutes. Once the needles are in your body, the acupuncturist may twirl or heat the needles so as to stimulate the Acupuncture points.

While you go for Acupuncture treatment, you must keep the following points in mind with respect to needles:

  • You must check that the needles aren’t rusted as this may cause tetanus.
  • Sometimes, you may experience pain while the needles are in your body. You must inform your Acupuncturist about the discomfort so as to prevent the occurrence of side effects.
  • Needles should be sterilized.

Acupuncture technique is useful in treating afflictions like diabetes, arthritis, asthma, inflammation, headache and migraine. As such, it is instrumental in boosting the overall health of the body, but you need to be cautious about the quality of needles and the process of needle insertion.