What is the best skin care product for African Americans

The best skin care products for African Americans are products containing Emu oil. Emu oil is known for its healing properties and its ability to penetrate deep into the skin without leaving a surface film of oil. This leave the skin moisturized while still looking clean and healthy. Emu oil is high in nutrients, including fatty acids, Omega 6, and Omega 3. Part of what makes Emu oil able to penetrate the skin so well is that it is a neutral lipid and does not contain phospholipid. Products with Emu oil range from hair care products to cosmetics.

African American skin care routines are very similar to skin care routines needed by other types of skin. The only real special consideration is that the African American skin is slightly more delicate and tends to need more moisture to maintain its elasticity. Emu oil helps with the skin's elasticity and youthful appearance. It also helps treat any breakouts that might occur as well as sunburn. The nourishing effects of Emu oil are among the best in the world and because the Emu oil penetrates the skin down to the dermis, it can nourish at the cellular level. Another interesting point of Emu oil as a beauty care product is that it is a natural antibacterial.

answered by R P

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