Solution for sweating hands and palms

Sweaty palms are also very commonly referred to as palmar hyperhidrosis. This condition is said to affect approximately one percent of the American population. What causes this condition is still being debated, although some experts believe that it is the outcome of an overactive sympathetic nervous system. It is through this act of sweating that our body maintains its temperature. Our body consists of millions of these sweat glands, a large number of which are located in the hands. When our body gets agitated either by way of stress, extreme temperatures or physical exertion, these glands then go on to secrete sweat, so that the body's normal temperature can be restored. Now, when people suffer from palmar hyperhidrosis, their hands tend to sweat profusely even in the absence of these conditions. In other words, even if there is no need for the body to generate sweat for the purpose of cooling down, people with this condition will still continue to do so.

Sweaty palms unfortunately are a condition that cannot be cured totally, however it can definitely be controlled. Tea is considered to be exceptionally good for this particular condition. This is simply because it contains an ingredient known as tannic acid, which acts as an astringent. Boil 5 cups of water in a container and then add 5 regular tea bags to it. Cover the container with a lid and let the two simmer for 10-15 minutes on a low fire. After the stipulated time frame, strain the tea into a bowl and leave it aside to cool. Next, soak both your palms in the cooled tea for about half an hour. This remedy should be performed on a daily basis; it will help in keeping the condition under control.

Sage tea is also considered to be effective for this particular condition. Drink two to three cups of this tea daily, till you begin to notice positive results. Dab a little talcum powder on to your hands before you step out. This will also help in absorbing the excess sweat. Individuals that suffer from this condition should try and avoid foods that are rich in iron. Furthermore, vegetables such as onions, broccoli and asparagus should also be avoided. Meat, beef and liver also contain high levels of iodine and hence their intake should be reduced as well. If none of these remedies work for you, then consult a physician to get to the root of the problem.

answered by G M

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