Do I need to take any antibiotics for a urine infection?

Urinary tract infections are very common among women, but they can also afflict men. UTIs generally occur when the urethra or bladder is invaded with a microorganism. Urinary infections are characterized by a burning sensation or severe pain whilst urinating and also a frequent need to urinate. The condition may also be accompanied by symptoms such as lower back pain, or the presence of blood in urine.

Urinary tract infections are quite easily avoidable, with good hygiene and an adequate fluid intake. There are also plenty of natural remedies and home cures that can help combat a urinary infection, but it would be folly to rely on these alone. Natural remedies can help to hasten the healing process, and minimize the risk of side-effects from conventional drugs. Most urinary infections, being bacterial, antibiotic drugs like nitrofurantoin, tetracycline, and ampicillin are generally prescribed. While this method of treatment is very effective it does have some fallout. The mode of treatment is your choice and you should make your decision based on the severity of the condition.

Antibiotics are so effective in this scenario as they destroy bacteria throughout the body. But for women in particular this can be problematic as it also implies a change in the pH balance in the vagina. Yeast exists in the vagina under normal circumstances, but in a very small quantity, as it is kept in check by the presence of certain ‘good’ bacteria. The antibiotic action that results in the destruction of bacteria throughout the body, therefore gives yeast the opportunity to proliferate. This is known as a yeast infection, and can be extremely problematic, with vaginal itching, and discharge.

 If you do wish to use antibiotics for a quick and sure recovery you therefore need to take other precautions and natural remedies to minimize the risk of a yeast infection. Try to include a healthy amount of yogurt in your daily diet while on medication, as it helps to maintain the pH balance and therefore restrict the growth of yeast.

In addition to antibiotics there are plenty of natural remedies that you can use as an alternative or supplements to the antibiotics treatment:
  • Cranberry juice is widely regarded as the natural answer to all urinary infections. This is because it works for both UTIs and yeast infections. In the case of the former it helps to flush out bacteria and prevents their adhesion to the walls of the urinary tract, while in the latter its action of increasing the acidity destroys yeast.
  • Adequate fluid intake everyday is vital for an active infection. Ideally you should consume enough water to urinate every hour).
  • Many patients have also found aromatherapy and herbal therapy to be quite effective against urinary infections.

answered by S D

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