if u are dizzy and have a headache what do you do

First find out what is the cause of head ache. It could be as a result of allergy, mental stress and strain, strain on eyes, high blood pressure, low blood sugar, excessive smoking and alcohol consumption, or simply the presence of toxins in the body. If you are dizzy and have a headache it is probably because of low blood sugar, high blood pressure or mental stress. Check with your family Doctor if the headache is recurring in nature.

Some effective home remedies for dizzying headaches are as follows:

  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are effective in curing a headache. Cut an apple in several slices and sprinkle a pinch of salt. Its advisable to have it on an empty stomach.
  • If the headache is caused by exposure to sun radiations, henna flowers are known to be effective. Grind the henna flowers and add vinegar to the paste. Apply it all over the head with your hands. This home remedy gives instant relief.
  • Cinnamon is also considered valuable in curing headache. Mix cinnamon paste in water and apply it on your forehead. This remedy works best when the headache is caused by exposure to cold winds.

answered by R

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