How do i get the black out of a black eye

A black eye is usually not a serious injury, and it heals by itself in a few days. Medically called periorbital hematoma, a black eye is result of damaged blood vessels that make blood collect in the tissues around the eye. This causes swelling and discoloration of the area around the eye. Thankfully, the eye itself doesn’t suffer the injury in most cases. The swelling is caused because the skin around the eyes is loose and contains fat. This makes the skin retain fluid and get discolored easily. Though the injury heals on its own, you can take a few steps to get rid of the blackness soon. The most basic remedy would be treating the under eye area with ice. You need to rest and apply ice cubes placed in a clean cloth on the affected region every two hours for 24 hours. Ice prevents the collection of fluids in the tissues, thereby reducing inflammation and pain. Please ensure that you do not place the ice on the region directly, and that you do not use the compress for more than 10 minutes at a time, as doing either one will cause abrasions on the skin.  

There are some simple home made medicines that you can prepare and apply on the bruise to cure it quickly. Mix one part cayenne pepper with five parts melted petroleum jelly, let it cool, and apply it on the bruise twice a day till it gets better. You can also reduce the pain and inflammation by dipping a cloth in tea made of comfrey root and treating your black eye with it. Witch hazel is also an effective curer of a black eye. Make a poultice of witch hazel and apply it on the affected areas, or else you can purchase ready made witch hazel pads and keep them on the under eye area. Gently rubbing the area with 2-3 drops of castor oil will also reduce the swelling and pain.  

Till your bruise is better, you must have more Vitamin K and Vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C is especially important, as it strengthens the walls of blood vessels. You can get Vitamin K from alfalfa and Vitamin C from fruits like oranges, sweet lime and lemon, broccoli, and sweet potatoes. Also, consume lots of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits and raw vegetables to get all the nutrients that will help in healing the contusion. Your contusion will also heal faster if you avoid hot and spicy food, alcoholic beverages, strong teas and coffees.

answered by M W

I am assuming that this is a result of some kind of injury to the eye.

Its a collection  of blood and fluids in the orbital socket.

The immediate treatment should be cold compress wrap an ice cube in a cloth and apply to the eye, once  every hour  that you are awake this will help reduce the bleed.

remember that the injury will start to turn a variety of colours, a shade of violet and perhaps black, before getting better.  Thre will be immense pain associated with this kind of injury.

If there is blurring of vision, souble vision, loss of consciousness, nausea and vomitting associated with the injury you need to  seek medical help at the nearest hospitals trauma unit, immediately.

Stay away from athletic activity and the boxing ring at the local gym till your eye is better.




answered by T

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