Why is my urine color green?

Information on green urine

Urine turning green, blue or brown, could all be signs of a variety of problems. But they need not necessarily be very serious or life-threatening. However, if the condition has persisted for more than a month, make sure you get a routine urine test conducted and have it examined by a doctor to rule out any dangerous possibilities. Urine turning green could be caused by eating excessive amounts of asparagus. This vegetable, if taken in excess, has this particular effect. It will also make your urine smell very strongly. Another cause of green urine could also be particularly strong artificial food colouring, which has found its way into your body fluids. It could also be certain pills you are taking, or certain kinds of medications that are making this peculiar phenomenon manifest. On the graver side, it could also be a urinary tract infection. Although it is hardly common, it not unheard of for an infection to change the color of your urine. On a more serious note, it could also be a blood or liver disorder of some kind that is affecting your body silently, and giving this out as the only indicator. But only a doctor can eliminate this possibility. The only remedies suggested for this condition would be to drink excessive water and consume large amounts of cranberry juice to clear up any obvious urinary tract infection.

answered by G M

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