Home remedies to cleanse the system naturally

It is extremely important to regularly cleanse the body of the toxins and harmful substances to help the organs to perform their functions well. The best way to cleanse the system naturally is to drink plenty of water to flush the harmful substances out of the body. Herbal teas and juices also help to flush out the liver, colon and blood. A detoxing cleansing regime generally lasts two to four days and involves a low-fat, high-fibre diet with nutrient rich fresh foods and fruits and plenty of juice. Before embarking on a natural cleanse, it is a good idea to cut down on substances, such as caffeine, tobacco and alcohol, which stress the body.

A simple method to cleanse the system at home is to follow this detox regime, which includes a completely juice diet the first day, followed by a second day of juice for breakfast and lunch and a light supper composed of fresh foods and fruits. If you find it difficult to stay only on juice, you can consume broths and fruits such as melon which are high in water content. You can make a juice with apples, pineapples, fresh berries, ginger and cinnamon. For lunch and mid-afternoon meals you can make a broth with carrots, cucumber, beets, spinach and celery. Don't forget to add parsley for cleansing and garlic and onion for flavour. It is also an excellent idea to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice, a pinch of cayenne pepper and a teaspoon of honey every day in the morning, since it helps to flush out toxins on a daily basis.

answered by M W

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