What to do for vaginal itch

Infections or sexually transmitted diseases are the primary factors responsible for the occurrence of the vaginal itching. There is a possibility that a woman may experience vaginal itching during pregnancy. It is important to bear in mind that vaginal itching during pregnancy, most frequently, is caused due to the typical changes in the vaginal pH levels, which may lead to topical irritations. The most important thing to bear in mind, is that before opting for any sort of self treatment for your condition, it is highly advisable, particularly if you're pregnant, to seek immediate medical attention. This is merely to eliminate the possibility of any sexually transmitted diseases or infections.

Vaginal yeast infections are also commonly responsible for persistent vaginal itching. There are some natural treatment options that are available to alleviate the symptoms of vaginal itching. You may consider using baking soda to make a paste by adding water to it. Applying this paste to the affected area is considered to be very beneficial. Many women use a cold compress as this is very useful in relieving the symptoms of vaginal itching. Proper hygiene plays an important role in preventing this condition. Make sure to always keep the vaginal clean and dry. After a bowel movement, it is advisable to wipe yourself from the front to the back so as to prevent the bacteria from gaining access to the vagina. Try to avoid vaginal douches and always opt for soaps that do not contain artificial fragrances. This same rule would apply to your fabric softeners as well as your laundry detergents. Make it a regular habit to wash your hands regularly. It is a good idea to avoid wearing clothes that are tight or binding, particularly in the region of the crotch. If possible, wear cotton panties and pants rather than nylon ones as these are responsible for decreasing the natural flow of air to the vaginal area. To ensure that there is sufficient airflow to the vagina during the night, it is advisable to wear the nightgown, preferably with no underwear. Whilst bathing, is preferable to use warm bath water. Avoid using bubble parts or other bathing products which contained added fragrances as these contain chemicals which can only to irritation in the vagina as well as the urinary tract. As far as possible, choose bath soap meant only for sensitive skin. It is possible, that you may believe that ivory soaps are supposedly gentle on the skin. This is not true and in fact ivory soaps are responsible for causing excessive dryness and thereby leading to itchiness.

answered by G M

Try these home remedies for vaginal itch

  • If your vaginal itch is treatable at home, then it would respond to slat baths. Add ½ cup salt to ½ bucket of water. Dip your finger in the hot water and insert it in the vagina. Repeat several times.
  • Drink lots of fluids. Cut down the intake of sugar and sweet foods and concentrated more on foods rich in vitamin C which includes lemons, oranges, guava, capsicum and tomatoes.
  • Don't forget to remind your partner to wear a condom while having sex and avoid sex till your itchiness is reduced.
  • Keep your vagina clean and dry. Wear clean dry comfortable cotton panties and avoid scratching.

If your itching does not respond to any home remedies for 3 days then consider visiting a specialist to know the exact cause for itching.

answered by S P

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