Home Remedies for Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome

Just before I orgasm, I sometimes get a sharp headache. Is this normal and what can I do to get rid of it. It does not happen every time.

Experiencing a headache after an orgasm is a strange situation indeed and can be quite debilitating if the medical texts are to be referred to. There are a few conditions that could cause this: post-orgasmic illness syndrome, thunder clap headaches, and coital cephalagia or a post-coital headache. Thunderclap headache is the most dangerous of these situations and is an indication of a medical emergency. Considering that you have experienced this kind of a headache after orgasm a couple of times, thunderclap headaches can be eliminated as a possible cause.

Post-Coital headache is a condition that usually affects men in their twenties. The condition is not at all dangerous, unless accompanied by a stiff neck and disorientation. The symptoms of this disorder occur with the headache starting during the buildup to orgasm. If not specifically at this time, the headache might start at the exact moment of orgasm and continue for a few minutes after orgasm to sometimes even span a few days. The treatment for this condition lies in taking an analgesic or a beta-blocker like propanolol before you expect to start your sexual activity. The governing statistics on the disease state that it affects just a percentage of the population but also states that reporting of incidents might also be low, indicating that there may be many more men suffering from this condition.

Post-orgasmic illness syndrome is a more complicated and mysterious disease that affects an even smaller percentage of people than coital cephalagia. This condition leaves sufferers with symptoms that almost resemble the flu and some even end up with a fever. The causes of the syndrome remain unknown but the generally accepted theory is that autoimmunity plays a great role in this disease. It is theorized that the hormones that are secreted from the body during sex and afterwards causes an inflammatory response almost akin to getting infected with a disease. It takes a few days for a person to come back to absolute normalcy. Most people who suffer from this problem go into a phase of asexuality due to the extreme hardships faced after an orgasm. There is no gold standard treatment for this disorder, though some doctors would prescribe antidepressants for the problem. As a home remedy, before you expect to indulge in sexual activity, it is advised that you make a strong cup of feverfew tea with crushed ginger added to it. This will tone down the immune system’s reaction. You could also take a strong analgesic.

answered by G M

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