How to eliminate eye bags in a natural way?

Eye bags or puffy eyes or dark circles as they are popularly known are caused by several factors that have become part and parcel of our daily lives. stress, sleep deprivation, unhealthy diets and body water loss are common causes of eye bags. Eye bags can be prevented if you follow some simple rules. Firstly, one has to ensure a good night’s sleep of at least 7 hours on a regular basis. Reducing caffeine and salt intake in the diet and drinking at least 2 liters of water a day also helps prevent eye bags. Eating a well-balanced nutrient rich diet consisting of proteins, vitamins and mineral foods helps prevent dark circles. Popular foods that give the necessary nutrients include cereals, fruits and vegetables, especially the green leafy ones like spinach, lettuce, fenugreek and coriander.

Natural remedies are in fact a commonly recommended cure for eye bags as the skin around the eye is very sensitive and may get affected if medicinal creams or lotions are used. There are several natural ways to remove eye bags. A popular remedy is to cut slices of cucumber, ideally from the refrigerator, and put on closed eyes for about 10-15 minutes two to three times a day. This helps is cooling and de-stressing the area around the eyes. An addition of some lime juice to the cucumber slices also works just as well. Cool slices of potatoes could also be used just the same way as cucumber slices and are equally effective. Another natural cure is to mildly wet and cool the tea bags and keep them on the dark circles for a few minutes. Another remedy that gives very good results is application of honey and almond oil concentrate on the eye before retiring to bed. Do this for a couple of weeks to improve your condition. Another age old remedy is using rose water, which can be applied on cotton balls and placed on the affected areas under the eyes for about 10 minutes, couple of times a day. Cold milk can also be used as a substitute in case rose water is not readily available.

While the above have been treatments that would typically be at home, natural treatment can also be continued at work by following some simple steps. Using a gentle face wash every couple of hours helps is keeping the face skin fresh and germ-free. Most importantly, it is important to maintain a healthy work-life balance to ensure that stress levels are lower. This will definitely improve the quality of life and therefore take care of the baggy eyes.

answered by G M

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