How to treat Eye-sacks

Puffiness around the eyes or the formation of eye bags, as they are commonly called, is quite a common problem and probably the most frequent cosmetic problem. Eye bags can be remedied quite easily with appropriate care and treatment, but neglecting the condition for too long will only lead to its worsening, making the problem a lot more resilient and harder to treat.

As with any other condition it would be best to first understand and identify the causes of the problem, as very often, simply eliminating the cause can help overcome the problem. Puffy eyes could be caused by a variety of factors, from environmental conditions to personal problems like allergies or even heredity factors. The most common cause today would be a lack of sleep, but here are some other conditions that could also be responsible for your condition:

  • Crying excessively
  • Excess salt in your diet and a correspondingly high sodium intake
  • stress and tension either physical or emotional
  • High toxicity levels in the body
  • If you've undergone a recent surgery
  • Excess intake of alcohol
  • Irritation from contact lenses
  • Hormonal changes or changes in climate and weather that cause fluid fluctuation
  • Sinus problems

The best defense against puffy eyes or eye bags would be to follow preventive measures as these not only help prevent a recurrence, but also help restore normalcy as preventive measures seek to eliminate the condition or causes that contribute to the problem. It does take some effort however, as you will have to make time for personal care in your daily routine. You can take this condition as a symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle and accordingly modify it. Make sure you drink enough water on a daily basis and do not compromise on sleep. In addition to getting adequate sleep make it a point to follow a disciplined routine with fixed meal and sleep timings.

Stress being a major cause of the problem it is essential that you get adequate relaxation, particularly prior to sleeping, as this will also improve the quality of sleep. Soaks in a hot tub before going to bed will help relax your body and mind and you could even add some aromatherapy oils to the bath water for enhanced effectiveness. Make a conscious effort to relax however, and do not reflect on or ponder over any worries and work during your time for relaxation and sleep. Listen to some soft music, practice breathing exercises and maybe even try meditation. Make sure that you remove your contact lenses before hitting the bed and avoid using cosmetic products with chemicals in them that could be aggravating the problem.

Your diet is also important, so cut down on the salt and junk foods or fatty foods. Avoid consuming or at least cut down drastically on alcohol intake and smoking. At the same time following a diet comprising largely of fresh fruits and vegetables will help detoxify your system.

answered by S D

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