Home remedies for swollen painful gums

Gum disease and related problems are becoming increasingly common today, and this can be attributed largely to our lifestyles and dietary habits. Gum disease is however not a new phenomena and has always been present, which is why there is also such a vast wealth of information on natural remedies and traditional medicine for the condition. Most natural remedies and home treatments are however symptomatic and no substitute for a dentist.

Gum disease occurs as an infection sets into the supporting tissues and bones around the teeth. Plaque accumulation on the teeth and bacterial growth results in irritation to the gums. As plaque continues to build up, it hardens to develop into tartar, affecting the surrounding bone structures itself. In its early stage gum disease is referred to gingivitis and the gums are likely to be inflamed, swollen and bleed easily or be extremely painful, particularly whilst brushing the teeth. If left untreated this condition can progress to periodontitis, which is a lot more serious. In this condition the gums begin to recede from the teeth leaving small pockets for increased bacterial growth and infection. Bacterial toxins and infection then cause a break down of the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth together, with the pockets deepening over time and destroying the bone and gum tissue. This in turn eventually leads to loss of the teeth.

To avert such an outcome it would be necessary to brush your teeth well and floss daily. Try to brush your teeth at least twice a day, as soon as you wake up, and just before going to bed. Eat healthy foods and cut down on sweets and high sugar foods. Adequate fluid intake is also vital. Despite high levels of oral hygiene it would still be necessary to visit a dentist regularly to avert such problems. An accurate diagnosis of your current situation can not be made without a visit to the dentist and treatment can not be provided. Natural methods can help you cope with the pain but they are only a temporary solution and delaying your visit indefinitely will only worsen the problem, making treatment a lot more prolonged and expensive.

Here are some natural remedies to help you cope with the pain in the meantime.

  • Bergamot oil possesses natural antiseptic properties and can help treat sore gums and toothaches. Use it as a mouth wash or application for the gums.
  • Oregano and oregano oil can also be used to treat gum problems and can be used to rinse the mouth or simply massaged in.
  • Peppermint tea and marigold juice extracts are also some commonly used ingridents for sore gum treatment.

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