I'm suffering from acidity. can I get solution?

Our body contains various acids that perform various functions, like the digestion of food. However, when there is an over secretion of these acids in the gastric glands of the stomach it leads to acidity. Acidity is a condition that can lead to acid reflux disease, stomach ulcers, heart burn and gas formation. All these conditions are quite painful and troublesome to deal with. Most of the remedies for treating this condition have to do with lifestyle changes, though there are home remedies as well, that can provide you with relief from this condition.

The advantages of making changes to your lifestyle rather than just consuming home remedies, is that lifestyle changes will help you get rid of this condition as long as you adhere to them, while home remedies will provide you temporary relief.  

In order to treat acidity it is very important to understand what triggers this condition.
  • Irregular eating habits
  • Consuming carbonated drinks and alcohol in excessive amounts
  • Smoking excessively
  • Eating excessive amounts of foods that are rich in salt and saturated fat content like, red meats, fried chips, French fries, junk food and chocolates.
  • Lactose intolerance and
  • Stress, anger and other negative emotions, also show a high potency of causing acidity.

As you can see most of the causes of acidity are life style related. Hence, the best way of avoiding this condition is by implementing healthy changes in your lifestyle. The following changes to your daily routine will ensure that you stay free form this painful condition.
  • Eat your meals on time. It would be very beneficial if you ate 6 small portions of food everyday, rather than the accepted three large meals a day. This healthy habit of consuming food in even proportions helps the body digest food more effectively.
  • Never go to bed directly after eating, as this increases your chances of experiencing acidity. Always eat your dinner at least 1 hour before going to bed. A night walk before going to bed would be ideal, as this can be very relaxing, apart from giving the body enough time to digest the food consumed.
  • Consuming green leafy vegetables, seeds, pulses and fresh fruits over junk food and red meats would bring a dramatic improvement in your condition. Vegetables and fruits contain very negligible amounts of saturated fats; therefore, they are easily digested by the body.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and carbonated beverages; switch over to natural fruit juices instead. They will keep your body well hydrated, flush out harmful toxins from your body and provide you with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Avoid smoking as it contains many harmful chemicals that impair the functioning of the body.  

Apart from these changes you can use the following home remedies for heartburn to alleviate the pain that you are currently experiencing.

  • Chewing on a piece of clove will bring you instant relief.
  • If you are not lactose intolerant consuming cold milk will bring you a substantial amount of relief.
  • You can also increase the amount of ginger and garlic in your food in order to avoid this condition.
  • Cumin seeds and mint leaves are very effective in alleviating this condition. Chewing them after a heavy meal or drinking a juice made from boiled cumin seeds or mint leaves will also help you get rid of acidity.

answered by c

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