How to lower high estrogen level

Estrogen is the female sex hormone that is produced within the ovaries and it plays a very important role in the menstrual cycle. This hormone is present in men too, but its levels are much lower as compared to women. Although estrogen is important, high levels of this hormone can cause a variety of health problems such as benign breast disease, fibroid tumors of the uterus and breast cancer. Here are a few natural ways of reducing your estrogen levels. The liver is responsible for breaking down and metabolizing the estrogen that is present in the body. The regular consumption of alcohol is known to impair the performance or functioning of the liver. A liver that has been damaged is then unable to metabolize the estrogen in the manner that it is supposed to. This ultimately, over a period of time leads to an increase in the estrogen levels. Thus, if you consume more than one glass of alcohol per day, then make an attempt to reduce the frequency. However, if in case you already suffer from high estrogen level then avoiding alcohol totally would be recommended.

There are a large number of pesticides and chemical present in the food that we consume. These chemicals and pesticides, when absorbed by the body, have been found to display estrogen like behavior or activity. Pesticides found in non organic vegetables and fruits and the hormones found in poultry and meat are examples of these substances. Start purchasing organic vegetables and fruits and cut down on your meat consumption. Consume a diet that is high in insoluble and soluble fiber, as studies suggest that this can also help in lowering estrogen levels. The hormone is eliminated from a person's body when it binds to the bile acids that are produced by the liver. The bile acids are then unloaded in the intestine during the digestion process. The fiber then attaches itself to the bile acids and promotes its excretion, thus helping the body in getting rid of the bound hormones. Both the insoluble and soluble fibers such as whole grain and vegetables appear to reduce estrogen levels.

Exercise also plays an important role when it comes to reducing estrogen levels. Make it a habit to exercise regularly on a daily basis, even if it is just for 30 minutes. This will also help in keeping a check on your weight, as being overweight has also been linked to increased levels of this hormone.

answered by G M

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