Give the simple home treatment for giddiness?

Giddiness is a condition that is hard to diagnose in isolation. This condition can be linked to numerous other medical conditions. Giving a person cures or remedies without full knowledge of their medical history and background is difficult, and also dangerous. If you are facing a serious problem that endangers your life or puts you in a situation that can be hazardous to your own safety or that of others, please do not only depend only on these remedies. It is important that you visit a doctor and have your condition checked.

Giddiness can be described in many ways. One of the most common ways to describe it is as an unpleasant feeling of disturbed relation to one's surroundings. Some of the symptoms of this are imbalance, ataxia, vertigo, a feeling of light-headedness and sometimes, if not always, a feeling of mental confusion or a feeling of loss of consciousness. The human body has an exceptionally efficient system that maintains balance and equilibrium. It's a perfectly orchestrated balance between the vestibular system, our eyes, and the pro-prioceptive information from our neck and limbs that all comes together in our nervous system. When there is an imbalance in this orchestration we experience giddiness.

Some simple guidelines to overcome giddiness are as follows:

  • Don't get up too fast from your bed. First put your feet firmly on the ground, wait for a few minutes and then get up gradually. This improves circulation of blood in our legs and avoids dizziness.
  • Sit on the edge of your chair etc before getting up on your feet.
  • Avoid sudden changes in motion as this causes a feeling of light headedness. Let your movements be slow and well organized.
  • Don't wear clothes that are so tight that they restrict you blood circulation. This can be a cause too.
  • Don't spend too much time in areas that are closed and have no ventilation. A lack of clean fresh breathing air can also stimulate dizziness.
  • If you have a severe problem avoid driving a car or riding a motorbike. If you must, make sure you are with someone and you are wearing a safety helmet.

Another way to prevent dizziness is to maintain a healthy and well balanced diet. The following are a few suggestions that might help you make sure you are getting the right diet that can reduce the symptoms of dizziness:

  • Fibrous and Starchy food. Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, rice and cereals are your best source of starch and fiber. Try to eat as much of these as it is possible. You will get a good supply of Vitamin B complex from these foods.
  • Fruits and vegetables. This should form a major part of your daily diet. These foods are an excellent source of fiber and vitamins.
  • Milk and Dairy products. These foods are rich in calcium, proteins and other minerals.

answered by G R

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