What does a heart attack feel like? I exeperience pain around the left side of my chest which radiates down my left hand frequently. The pain feels sharp, hot burning sensation. Could it be heart problem?

The symptoms you have described indeed seem associated with heart disease. However, the symptom you have mentioned is one of the several symptoms of heart disease. There are several other symptoms associated with heart attack - rapid breathing, sweating, fainting, nausea and vomiting. You probably didn't have a heart attack but you may be having serious heart troubles. It is advisable that you get a heart check up done and consult with a cardiologist to ascertain the exact cause of your chest pain.

A heart attack is a fatal condition which usually happens when the blood flow through the blood vessel is obstructed due to a clot. If immediate medical care is not provided, heart attack may be deadly. So, early heart conditions, like atherosclerosis, plaque formation, and high cholesterol, need to be treated at the earliest. Otherwise, the chances of heart attack go up considerably.

To prevent heart diseases, it is of utmost importance to follow a healthy diet. A well-balanced diet and regular intake of sufficient amount of water can significantly reduce your chances of a heart attack. Include green vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, pulses, and whole grains. It is better to eat vegetables and fruits in raw condition so as to avoid destroying any of the healthy enzymes contained therein. Leafy vegetables (like spinach) and other fiber-rich vegetables (like cabbage, peas, and beans) are also good for the heart. Nuts and seeds contain essential fatty acids (omega 3 alpha-linolenic acid and omega 6 linoleic acid) and are considered useful to keep the arteries clear. Oils made from flax seed and olives are also good source of essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids help to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce chances of atherosclerosis, which is a pre-condition of heart attack. Do, however, avoid heating the oil as heating may break down the fatty acid and make it less useful. Salt, which contains sodium, can raise the blood pressure and is therefore not good for the heart. Cut down on salt intake as much as possible. Red meat, margarine, and processed foods are to be avoided far as possible. Instead, you can eat fish or soy to supplement your protein requirement.

Finally, do some mild exercise regularly as an inactive body is much more likely to get heart diseases. Also, improve your lifestyle - eat healthy, avoid alcohol and smoking, relax your body, and cut down on stress.

answered by M W

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