Get rid of dark spots from plucking hairs under chin and neck

The first step to successfully get rid of dark spots in these areas is to stop plucking them. This will automatically stop the dark spots from getting deeper and darker in color. You will have to find another method to get rid of these hairs if you are so opposed to their presence. Meanwhile, you should try and get rid of the dark spots you have developed by using any or all of these methods on them. To begin with, try to exfoliate the skin on these areas. Use a gentle but good quality exfoliating scrub for best results. If you wish, you can make your own scrub quite easily at home. Take a teaspoon each of granulated sugar and olive oil. This mixture can be used to massage the area in gentle and circular motions till the dark spots are removed from the chin and neck areas altogether. Try to do this once a day to begin with. After a week or two pass, you can switch to about every alternate day or once on three days. This will help to also soften the skin from the entire area. Regular plucking of hair from the chin and neck can actually make the skin tough over a period of time as well.

You can also add a couple of drops of lime juice to the exfoliating scrub you use for better results. This will lighten the skin color that has darkened so much as well. Lime is a mild bleaching agent as well. But remember not to use lime if you are going to be going out into the sun directly after doing this. Lime juice is basically photosynthetic in nature. This means that instead of making the color of your skin lighter, it will darken when exposed to direct sunlight. Another very good method to use is to make a scrub off mask and use it. Make a good one at home with a teaspoon of gram flour, half a teaspoon of fresh yogurt and a few drops of lime juice. Apply this thickly on the entire areas where there is darkened skin. Wait till it begins to dry. An indicator of this will be that the skin will begin to stretch and pull from the area. Then you can simply use your fingers and palm to rub this mask off. Remember this may hurt a bit, but the results will be worth it.

answered by M W

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