How can I lower my potassium levels they are slightly high. Can you please guide me on what foods to purchase that will help me achieve this goal?

Potassium is absolutely essential in our body. This mineral actually controls the function of our nerves and muscles. The heart is able to beat at a normal rhythm only because of the presence of potassium in our body. The presence of potassium in our body also ensures that the fluid and electrolyte balance is maintained.

However, when the levels of potassium in out body go too high or too low, these can spell trouble for us. Since the potassium in our body comes to us through the food that we eat, it is easy to monitor the amount of the mineral in our body. When we are healthy and our kidneys are functioning properly we find that these help to remove the extra potassium and pass it through the urine. This helps us to maintain normal levels of potassium in the blood.

People who follow a proper diet are unlikely to suffer form low potassium. But when someone has a problem with is kidneys they fail to carry out their duties properly. That is, they are unable to remove the extra potassium. As a result of this the level of potassium increases in the body. When there is a high percentage of potassium in the blood, this condition is known as hyperkalemia. People who are suffering from chronic kidney diseases are likely to suffer from hyperkalemia. People suffering from this condition usually complain of weakness, slow pulse, a feeling of numbness or tingling. For such people usually dialysis is considered very effective in moving the extra potassium in the blood. However very often such patients show an increase in the potassium levels in their body between the dialysis treatments. In such cases it is advisable to control intake of food items that contain a high percentage of potassium.

Such patients have to follow a rigid diet plan in order to ensure that the potassium lives don't go too high again. For this you should consult a doctor and seek advice regarding your diet and other such precautions.

For such patients, cutting down on their intake of milk is advisable. Instead they can use non dairy products as substitutes. Canned food items should be avoided. If however, you do find yourself using canned food, you can take the precaution of throwing away the water in which these have been packed. Salt should be consumed in moderation since it contains potassium. Similarly, other seasonings which contain potassium should be eaten cautiously.

Some vegetables, which contain a high percentage of potassium, can be leached in order to reduce your intake of the mineral. You can peel the vegetable and then chop it into small pieces. These pieces can be soaked in a pot of water for at least four hours. Once they are rinsed, they can be used.

For a low potassium diet you can ensure that you eat fruits like apples, lemon, grapes and berries of various kinds. Other fruits like watermelon and peaches too can be eaten. Vegetables like carrots, cucumber, onion, beans and cauliflower can be eaten since they are low in potassium. It is sensible to stick to non dairy creamers and use only non dairy products like whipped cream, or creamers.

answered by S C

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