How To Lower Potassium Level In Blood WIth Diet

Potassium, though an essential nutrient for the body, can be really dangerous if ingested in large quantities. A high amount of potassium in the blood is called Hyperkalemia. A healthy body is usually able to maintain normal levels of potassium and therefore even a minimal rise in potassium in the blood is a cause for serious concern. Generally, if you do have potassium poisoning, the symptoms cannot be detected very early on. It is only after the renal functions get impaired that you even fid out that the potassium levels in the body have gone high.

High blood potassium is a serious problem and medical help should be sought immediately. There are certain things that you can do at home to lower the potassium levels, but it is no substitute to medical help.

Calcium, for one, counters potassium and interferes in its absorption. If your blood serum shows a high level of potassium, increase the quantity of calcium in your diet. Be sure to include milk, yogurts, cheese and other milk products in your everyday meals. If the potassium levels are really high, resort to calcium supplements.

Garlic and garlic supplements also hinder the absorption of potassium and help bring down the levels. Eat a clove of garlic with warm milk or take garlic supplements everyday to decrease the potassium in your blood.

Water, an anti-oxidant, is essential in bringing down potassium levels. Drinking lots of water is an excellent way to flush out toxins from your body. About ten to twelve glasses of water everyday should help you immensely. If you don't want to drink so much water, you can also take other beverages. However, cut down on caffeine and alcohol since they eliminate water from the blood stream.

Fruits and vegetables provide you with vitamins and minerals that help reduce potassium levels in blood serum. Also they are a good source of roughage and water. Limit intake of bananas, peas and potatoes. These are rich in potassium and therefore should be avoided altogether if possible. Peaches, cauliflower, lemon, cucumbers, berries and lettuce can actually help control and regulate potassium.

Soy products like soy milk and tofu can also be of real help. Along with all this, try to exercise more frequently so that toxins can be flushed out of your body. Your overall health will also be improved. Try spending at least 30 minutes every day doing yoga or aerobic exercises. You can also try a combination of strength training, cardio-vascular exercises and yoga for general well being and improved health.

answered by G M

Potassium levels that are higher than the normal requirement of the human body can be quite dangerous if ignored. If you have had this condition for some time, it is advisable to take corrective medicinal action for it. Alongside your treatment, there are simple home remedies you can employ that will aid in lowering potassium levels. You must increase your calcium intake significantly. Consume more of yogurt, milk and cheese. If you can, add soy milk to your diet. You can also add tofu to your diet on a regular basis, as it is one of the richest natural sources of calcium. Start your day with a large glass of warm orange juice. A clove of garlic eaten each day will help normalize potassium levels in your body. Start drinking at least 10 litres of water each day. Water is the best natural anti toxin in the world. Increase intake of leafy greens in your diet. This will also help considerably. Potatoes are also known to lower potassium levels. However, they must be eaten with the skin. Avoid caffeine and caffeine-related products completely. You must also not consume any kind of alcohol while under this treatment. Living a stress free life is also instrumental in maintaining overall good health. Include at least 30 minutes of Yoga or any other kind of exercise in your daily routine.

answered by M W

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