Does llysine or amino acid metabolism really help?

llysine is basically an important amino acid that is crucial to the over health of the human body but cannot actually be manufactured by the body itself. Therefore the llysine must be derived from the consumption of foods that contain the acid. Amino acids play an important role in the development of protein and therefore are essential for proper growth and the production of a nutrient known a carintine. This nutrient is responsible for converting fatty acids to energy and helps to reduce the levels of cholesterol. Llysine also allows the body to save calcium and is important to the development of collagen- which is responsible for developing the connective tissue, bones and cartilage. Therefore a drop in he levels of llysine in one's diet can cause a kidney stone or health problems like fatigue, loss of appetite, blood shot eyes, anemia, dizziness, nausea and disorders of the reproductive organs. Generally the best sources of llysine that can be derived from vegetables are legumes, which can include beans, lentils or peas.

The uses of llysine are very varied. One of the common uses of llysine is in the treatment of herpes and shingles. The llysine is used to treat the lesions or cold sores that appear on the mouth. The consumption of llysine supplements can help speed up the time it takes to recover and also maybe help prevent the recurrence of a break out of cold sores or shingles. Llysine is also used to treat osteoporosis as it helps in absorbing calcium from the digestive tract and thus prevents the unnecessary loss of calcium through the urine. Certain types of llysine can be attached chemically to anti- inflammatory medications and can be used to reduce the pain caused during an epistomy. They are used to reduce migraines and menstruation that is painful. Red meat, some types of fish, eggs, soyabean and chicken are all good sources of llysine.

answered by G M

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