What takes away the smell of ammonia?

Your question is vague and incomplete. Do you want a remedy for ammonia smell in the urine? Dehydration or an underlying infection results in ammonia small in the urine. Drinking adequate amount of water is an effective remedy, if the cause is dehydration. Persistence of smell indicates the presence of an underlying infection. Nitrogen is the main component of ammonia in the urine. Nitrate in the body is reduced to nitrite by the bacteria in the presence of ammonia, giving the smell.

Concentrated urine gives rise to ammonia smelling urine. Asparagus and certain vitamins affect the odor of urine. Putrefactive bacteria in the system release histamine and ammonia. Yoghurt and acidophilus milk are recommended. Acidic pH increases ammonia excretion. Intake of alkaline foods is recommended to maintain the balance.

answered by Dr C

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