Health advice on diarrhea

hi my name is Hassan and couple of days ago I have scene a small worm in my stool it was up to 3 cm with white color and after that I am not passing normal stool its like diarrhea but only single time a day.

Diarrhea Home Remedies

It sure does look like an infestation. It is likely that you are afflicted with parasites in your digestive tract as per your mention of symptoms of the worm and the subsequent diarrhea. You have probably contracted some kind of contamination through food and water. To begin with, you will need to maintain strict hygiene. Please ensure that your bathroom and toilet habits are stringent, you will need to wash your hands thoroughly after using the bathroom, changing undergarments etc. Similarly keep your fingernails as short as possible and wash your hands before and after every meal.

Once you have incorporated these habits as part of your normal lifestyle you will be able to ward off future infections. However to treat the one that you are currently suffering from, consume at least three cloves of raw garlic daily or if you are averse to the unpleasant odor and taste, try garlic pills. Stay away from sugar as much as you can as parasites and worms flourish on sugar and sweet-related foods. Embark on an all fruit or all vegetable diet for a period of seven days. During the days of the diet you must have only fruit or vegetable related products, stay away from carbohydrates, proteins, fried and fast foods. The diet will help top eliminate the worms and reinstate normalcy in your system.

answered by K C

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