Would eating three or four figs each morning (over the last four weeks) contributes to a higher BP?

Figs, dried or otherwise are sweet and a good source of dietary fiber. A fig is unique because of the eye it has, unconnected to the tree. This eye helps the fruit develop by giving it the opportunity to communicate with the environment. Figs can be take regularly since they are provide you with dietary fiber. They are also rich in potassium and manganese. I am surprised at your query regarding a connection between eating figs and an increase in blood pressure. In fact, figs are a good source of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that helps you control your blood pressure. Our regular diet is usually deficient in potassium since most of us neglect to eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating figs helps you retain a certain level of potassium in your body.

It has been proved that food that is rich in fiber helps people control and even lose weight. Fig is accepted as a good source of dietary fiber and area usually consumed by people who hope to manage their weight. If you have noticed that your blood pressure has gone up after you began eating figs, then perhaps you need to visit your doctor. There could be other, more relevant reasons to explain the increase in your blood pressure. You should also take a look at your diet in the past three or four weeks to ascertain the real cause for the increase in your blood pressure.

answered by M W

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