What causes vaginal odor and how do you get rid of it?

Vaginal odor is usually a result of vaginal bacteriosis which is basically an imbalance in the bacteria that is naturally found in the vagina. This is usually not a sexually transmitted condition and you should not confuse it with a yeast infection. In addition to the odor, you will also experience a great deal of discharge, occasional burning and itching in the vagina. You can use a douche of equal quantities of vinegar and of water to wash your vagina and get rid of the smell. After checking for an allergy to tea tree oil, you can also mix a few drops of tea tree oil in water and use the solution as a douche.

You can use natural yogurt as a remedy for treating vaginitis as well. Ensure that you eating a healthy and balanced diet with an certain amount of flaxseed oil. You should ensure that your vaginal area is cool and dry. Avoid wearing nylon underwear and switch to cotton underwear. Also, wear loose, cotton clothes as this will help in air circulation and keep your vaginal area dry. Ensure that you maintain good personal hygiene and dry the genital area. Avoid scratching the affected area because you may end up hurting yourself quite badly.

answered by G M

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