How do you get rid of a fluid sack behind your ear with out going through surgery or using any kind of needle?

Do you mean the endolymphatic sac in the inner ear? It is a structure seen in the inner ear. It is placed in a partial manner on the temporal bone. Endolymph is the liquid seen in the sac, which is similar to the intracellular fluid. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Exchange of fluids in the ear and immunity level regulation is maintained by the endolymphatic sac. Excessive fluid in the sac and the inner ear leads to increased pressure in the ear, thereby resulting in pain.

Balance is affected thereby affecting sound information. This information is distorted from the inner ear to the brain. Excessive fluid in the sac results in a condition referred to as Meniere's disease. Inflammation of the canals is a result of pressure build up. Confusion prevails with a ringing sound is sent to the brain. Clear messages are not sent; thereby the system is at a hearing loss. Error messages are received about the movement of the body. This results in lack of equipoise or balance. It also causes vertigo. Any underlying disease or injury results in an imbalance in the fluid.

A balanced diet is consumed in an evenly distributed manner. Adequate amount of fluids is recommended. Foods and beverages with increased salt and sugar contents are avoided. Caffeinated beverage stimulates tinnitus and is hence abstained from. Alcohol affects the composition of the fluid and is removed from the daily routine.

answered by Dr C

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