Home remedies for watering eyes

Natural Treatment for Running Eyes

Running or watering eyes can be due to various reasons like an allergy, blocked naso-tear duct, or some infection in the tear sac. Some uncommon causes are drooping of the lower lid, polyps inside nose, and irritation caused due to ingrown eyelash. Try the following home remedies and tips to ease your condition:

  • Wash your eyes often or clean with a cotton cloth dipped in cold water (not ice water).
  • The tannic acid in tea helps to deal with running eyes. Place cold tea bags on the eyes and leave them for 10 minutes for best results.
  • Wash and cut very thin slices of cucumber or raw potato and place them on each eye; relax for 20 - 30 minutes.
  • Don't go out in direct sun when its rays are at its peak that is between 10 am to 3 pm, if at all you step out protect your eyes with a pair of sunglasses or wear a hat.
  • Avoid long working hours on computer or reading too tiny letters for long as this puts extra strain on the eye. Take short breaks for 5-10 minutes and relax while working for long hours on the computer. Also go early to bed and rise early, have a sound sleep for at least 8 hours.

Consult a specialist if these tips and remedies do not work and to know the exact cause for the running eyes.

answered by Dr S

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