I am a 19 year old male. I look very lean; my shoulders are also very short. Please suggest some remedy to become fat and also to get chubby cheeks.

Gaining weight often takes much more effort that putting weight because you need to be able to gain weight in a beneficial and a healthy manner. This would mean that you need to add muscle mass to your body and not unnecessary fat. However, before you begin gain weight, ensure that you are doing this for the right reason. We often base our self-image on what our near and dear ones tell us. You shouldn't be trying to put on weight because there are a number of people who are telling you that you are too skinny. If you feel that you are lacking in energy and strength and lack self-esteem because you are too thin, you should certainly try and put on weight.

To begin with, you should start a weight lifting programmer. This will enable you to put on the muscle that you need to. In addition, by exercising more, you will also require more food intake. You should ensure that you consume at least between 150 and 200 calories extra for your body to sustain the gain in the muscle mass. Ensure that you do not binge on fattening foods and eat balanced, low-fat food. Ensure that you eat pastas, bread, various cereals, low-fat diary foods, and proteins such as chicken, lean meat, and various fish. You can also try natural remedies such as eating musk melon and drinking milk.

answered by M W

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