Migraine Dizziness

by Sharon Hopkins

A migraine is a condition that that affects the nervous system. It is associated with certain symptoms that occur in most cases of migraines. These include headaches and nausea. Clinically, migraines have been divided into four distinct phases.

The "Prodrome" phase is the phase that immediately precedes the migraine. It is characterized by some symptoms that are essentially a warning of an oncoming migraine. More than half of migraine sufferers experience this phase of the migraine. Symptoms during this phase are generally behavioral, psychological and physiological. A person in this phase may be irritable, depressed or euphoric due to sudden mood swings, being tired and also excessively sleepy. Physiological symptoms include the craving of certain sweet foods, stiff muscles, diarrhea or Constipation. These symptoms can be understood as warning signs over time.

The second phase of a migraine is the "Aura" phase. This is the phase when migraine dizziness is experienced. The aura phase affects the visual and motor skills of the person. It also affects the sensory system. Vision issues include blurry vision, flashes while exposed to normal amounts of light and increased sensitivity to light. These symptoms, coupled with a general lack of sensory clarity can cause problem with a person"s motor skills. It is not uncommon for a migraine sufferer in the aura phase to stumble or lose focus while walking. All these symptoms combined can play havoc with the body"s sense of balance and can lead to dizzy spells.

The body"s balance is controlled by the canals in the inner ear. Fluids flowing in these canals give the body as sense of the vertical and horizontal movements of the body. This data is then sent to the brain through the nervous system for processing. Confusion occurs when the person is suffering from a migraine due to the confusing signals being received from the visual and other sensory organs. When the migraine progresses into the "Pain" phase, other symptoms begin to subside. This is likely to cause migraine dizziness to pass as well.

Avoiding migraines altogether is the only known way to avoid dizziness associated with migraines. Some environmental and dietary triggers can be controlled in order to avoid an unpleasant episode of migraines. Migraines have been linked to missed meals and excessive caffeine intake along with chronic stress. Regular migraine sufferers should be tested by a doctor in order to detect any underlying condition which predisposes them to being affected by migraines.

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Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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