Achilles Tendonitis

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles Tendonitis can be described as an inflammation that occurs in the Achilles tendon. This tendon connects your calf muscles in the lower region of the leg to the heel bone. The Achilles tendon gives you the power required at the “push off” phase of any gait cycle like walking, jogging, sprinting or running. In case you are suffering from this inflammation, you are likely to experience a lot of pain and discomfort around your ankle and heel area.

Achilles Tendonitis can be acute or chronic in nature. Acute Achilles Tendonitis usually occurs within a period of a few days, probably due to increase in training or an injury. Chronic Achilles Tendonitis occurs over a longer period of time, generally because of using the tendon repeatedly. While this condition can occur due to several reasons, Achilles Tendonitis is usually the result of a running injury, or any other type of sport-related injury. Studies indicate that Achilles Tendonitis accounts for more than 10% of all the running injuries worldwide. There could be several factors that lead to this inflammation, some of which include:

  • Overuse of the tendon
  • Jumping or exercising intensely
  • Applying excessive strain on the tendon and the calf muscles
While it is possible to get this inflammation treated, healing of the Achilles tendon is a slow procedure, especially if the blood supply to the area is low. Patients are required to undergo persistent treatment, which includes doctor’s supervision as well as home remedies. Your doctor will also advise you about important self-care strategies to prevent a recurrence of the problem. In some serious cases, this inflammation causes ruptures (tendon tears), which may require surgery.  
If left untreated, Achilles Tendonitis can develop into Achilles Tendinosis, which is a degenerative condition.