Does Transverse Myelitis ever heal completely?

Broadly speaking, recovery usually begins within one to twelve months and considerable recovery is unlikely, if improvement has not occurred after three months. Most patients with TM show good to fair recovery and the principle treatment is to ease inflammation and pain.

TM will generally be a once off occurrence; yet, a small number of sufferers may experience a relapse, particularly if there is another illness present. TM is also known to occur as a secondary illness where viral and bacterial illness is present, such as chicken pox, influenza or mumps; and fever is commonly associated with the onset of symptoms. Additionally, evidence suggests there can be infection of the spinal cord by the principle disease itself, such as the herpes virus or HIV.

TM is considered to be an autoimmune disease and there are alternative treatments for autoimmune conditions; however this should be done with the guidance of a suitably qualified practitioner.

Herbs that are indicated for TM are St John's Wort, for its antiviral activity and nerve soothing action.. For inflammation, Rehmannia, Hemedesmus and Bupleurum are the herbs of choice as well as Ginko, which is another anti-inflammatory, but it also to assist in improving circulation and nerve conductivity. A low allergy diet is also thought to be of benefit in decreasing recovery time and this would include avoiding dairy, wheat products, alcohol and increasing your intake of leafy green vegetables, fresh fruit and lean meat that is preferably organic. TM is not to be taken lightly and you should only take herbs under the guidance of your health care practitioner.

answered by L W

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