Cures for strong tough body and mind

Your goal of getting a ‘healthy mind in a healthy body’ is admirable. It is also almost a necessity considering the many challenges of a modern lifestyle. On a daily basis, you will need to develop a healthy balance between your personal, social, and professional life, all of which come with a baggage of mental and physical stress. By adopting a new, healthier approach, you can dramatically reduce your risk of major diseases and improve the quality of your life. As you begin this journey towards wellness, you need to keep in mind that a holistic approach will work best to provide you with a healthier body and mind. You should also consult with your doctor before starting on any major lifestyle change.

The most important factor to consider is your level of physical activity. Medical studies and research have shown that regular exercise not only improves your physical condition, but also reduces stress levels and induces a natural ‘high’. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published guidelines on physical activities, which can be accessed on its website. According to the recommendations, you can enjoy important health benefits with as little as 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, combined with strength-training activities on 2 or more days. As you increase the amount of exercise, you will gain additional benefits, including decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many other ‘lifestyle diseases’. Many people also adopt mediation-based exercises such as yoga and tai-chi. These work towards creating mental peace and harmony, which benefits your self-confidence and overall personality. Yoga also tones up all the major muscles of your body, increasing flexibility, stamina, and endurance. Your circulatory system is also boosted, increasing natural immunity and detoxifying your body. In addition to exercise, you may want to consider additional stress-busters, including aromatherapy, spirituality, or even a personal hobby.

Your diet can also have a major impact on your body and mind. Some nutritionists advise you to increase the levels of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those that can be consumed raw or lightly cooked. The reason is that overcooking food can lose a large percentage of the nutrients and destroy beneficial enzymes. Avoid processed foods, especially those containing high amounts of sugar or harmful trans fats. Keep your body well-hydrated with juices and water and avoid caffeinated drinks. If you smoke, you should quit immediately. If you consume alcohol, please exercise moderation and avoid binge drinking.

answered by G M

Remedies for tough body 

A strong mind and strong body is achieved by strict adherence to a balanced diet and regular exercise pattern. On the whole mental strength is vital to stay strong and to achieve success in all your endeavours. Attitude towards every particular work also helps. Optimism or positive attitude helps you go miles and achieve all success in life. It enhances your personality, in spite of all the lacunae. Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Always enjoy the work you perform. Have a vision to be achieved, as it enables you to be clear, devoid of confusion. Keep saying mentally 'I am strong'. But, this fails to prove that others are weak. Place your opponents in the same level, as you are. The moment you under estimate them, you become over confident. Confidence is the backbone for all success. A strong body is essential for a strong mind. Failure to eat well disables you from a positive and optimistic attitude. Eat a well balanced diet with enough vegetables and fruits. Take the help of a nutritionist to get personal help. Yoga and meditation prove beneficial for physiological and psychological well-being.

answered by Dr C

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