How To Cure A Blocked Saliva Gland?

A blocked salivary gland is not often heard of. Nevertheless, it is a condition that does affect certain people across the globe, putting them through much discomfort at times. Dental disorders can cause people a great amount of distress, and a salivary gland that is blocked is equally troublesome. The primary function of salivary glands is to produce saliva to moisten the throat. When the salivary gland is swollen or blocked, it causes a problem for the secretion of saliva, thereby leading to a dry feeling in the throat, making it extremely difficult for food to be swallowed. A salivary gland cyst is something that could prove to be more dangerous if not attended to immediately.

It is necessary that an ear, nose and throat specialist's advice be sought, in the event that you have a cyst on the salivary gland that is causing you problems. Once the cyst is removed, it will be sent for further testing for malignancy. At first, your doctor may recommend the use of strong antibiotic medication to deal with the problem, but if it continues to persist, a minor surgery would be required to remove the cyst from the salivary gland, thereby restoring it to complete functioning ability.

answered by a

What are the symptoms of a blocked salivary gland?

The salivary glands are located in the mouth. Saliva is a fluid used to lubricate the oral cavity. This lubrication is added to the food when it is being chewed. Chewing is important for the purpose of breaking food down so that it can be passed comfortably into the digestive tract. This process is automatic and is stimulated by the act of chewing. Salivation is also triggered when an individual is hungry and he or she smells or sees an item of food that is desirable. The salivary glands can get blocked by stone like formations in some cases. When this happens the flow of saliva is reduced. Complete blockage of the glands is uncommon; it is usually only a partial blockage that affects the individual.

The symptoms of blocked saliva glands vary from case to case based on the level of blockage that has affected the individual. In most cases, the blockage is only partial. Therefore, the flow of saliva will be slow. This causes saliva to back up in the glands, leading to inflammation and dull pain. This pain is usually felt when consuming food as this is when the glands are most active. The inflamed glands may also get infected which would lead to redness developing in the area. The symptoms of blocked saliva glands should be mentioned to and checked by the doctor.

answered by G R

What are the causes for blocked salivary glands?

Salivary glands can get blocked due to a number of factors such as various disorders and diseases and also the use of certain drugs and medications. Some of the main blocked salivary gland causes include ailments such as HIV, Parkinson's disease, chronic pain, depression and Sjogren's syndrome. These diseases can cause the malfunction of the salivary gland and lower the production of saliva causing blockages. These diseases can also result in the formation of salivary gland stones which can also be a cause of blockages.

Salivary gland swelling and blockages can also be caused by certain medications used as antihistamines, antidepressants, sedatives, antipsychotics and diuretics. These medications can directly impact the production of saliva and result in blocked salivary glands. Some of the other blocked salivary gland causes include cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. Cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation can also suffer from salivary gland malfunctions and blockages. Prolonged sun exposure and inadequate intake of water can cause extreme dryness in the mouth and can also lead to swollen and blocked salivary glands. People who have undergone oral or any other kind of throat surgery in the past are also more prone to suffering from blocked salivary glands.

answered by G M

What are the most common salivary gland disorders?

There are various salivary gland disorders that are experienced by people all over the world. The most common occurrence of a salivary gland disorder, however, is related to chemotherapy and radiation treatment for people suffering from cancer. When the salivary gland is blocked or swollen, it faces difficulty in producing saliva, leaving the mouth dry and making it extremely difficult to swallow any food. Salivary gland tumors that arise can cause immense pain and leave you feeling extremely uncomfortable. Removal of a salivary gland tumor will be advised if it does not go down with antibiotic medication that has been prescribed by a registered medical practitioner. The parotid salivary gland is the largest salivary gland present in the body.

Any infection that attacks the parotid salivary gland will cause it to swell, reducing the production of saliva to a minimal and making it extremely difficult for a person to swallow any food that may be consumed. After having assessed the problem completely, your doctor may advise you to undergo further testing for various other illnesses that may lead to the occurrence of a blocked salivary gland. A tumor on the salivary gland needs to be tested for malignancy before the doctor can recommend any form of medication to ease the discomfort that you are experiencing.

answered by A S

  • Just take hot water in the mouth, do not swallow. Keep it for 5 seconds then take ice cold water in the mouth after spitting out the hot water. Keep this too for 5 seconds. Do this for 5 minutes. Do this 2 times daily.
  • Take a homeopathic remedy called Merc sol 1m 1 dose in powder at bed time for 2 nights.

answered by D M K

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