How should I fix my locked jaw? I haven't had it for long, just had it for 2 days and its hard to eat?

Locked jaw, also known as tetanus in medical circles, is a common disease that affects the nerves and the muscles in the body. Tetanus is caused due to bacterial invasion and can make the muscles extremely stiff. Since it usually involves the muscles in the jaws and the neck, it is known as lock jaw. Eventually, the disease begins to involve other parts of the body as well. If it affects the respiratory system of the body, it can eventually result in death.


Tetanus is spread due to the tetanus bacteria. The bacteria is contracted through a deep cut or wound which becomes infected. The bacteria may also infect clean wounds. There is a large risk of contracting the bacteria during surgical procedures and insect bites. People who practice use of intravenous drugs are also at a high risk of contracting the disease.

Fortunately, the widespread use of tetanus vaccination has greatly reduced the incidence of this condition. Pregnant women are also given regular doses of tetanus vaccination so that their fetus is protected from the tetanus bacteria. This has largely curbed the cases of fatal neonatal tetanus. In certain developing countries, where tetanus vaccinations are not given properly, tetanus still remains a ravaging disease and causes much devastation.

Tetanus is contracted through wounds and is not passed from one infected person to another.


As the name suggests, the first symptom of this condition is stiffness in the muscles, which leads to a locked jaw. The stiffness in the jaw is usually followed by stiffness in the neck muscles and abdominal muscles. The person could eventually experience fever, sweating and spasms in the muscles.

The symptoms of lock jaw do not begin to show immediately after the bacterium is contracted. It usually takes seven to eight days for the symptoms to show. However, in some cases the bacteria’s incubation period may last up to three weeks.


Tetanus is widely managed with the use of tetanus vaccine. However, if the disease develops, the focus of treatment is on therapy for controlling muscle stiffness and spasms.

If you develop a wound which could get infected, get proper first aid immediately. Control the bleeding by applying direct pressure on the wound, clean it with an antiseptic solution, and then dress it properly. It is also wise to get a tetanus shot as soon as you have received such a wound. Make sure that you change the dressing of the wound regularly so that the wound does not get infected.

There are no home remedies for tetanus. Consult a doctor for advice.


answered by G M

What caused the locked jaw? do you have the disease "Lockjaw"? If you think you do you need to go to a dr. if it is not the disease, it may be dislocated, a good chiropractor might help

answered by n

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