How to deal with phlegm mucus

Although coughing up phlegm mucous may be a very unpleasant experience, phlegm plays a rather significant role in the immune systems ability to fight off certain infections and invading bacteria. The concentrated substance helps trap these invading organisms as well as foreign particles such as dust and smoke, which are regularly able to penetrate into the body through the nasal opening. In most cases, one will see that phlegm mucus is a carrier of the larvae of internal parasites. In case the patient also starts to experience bloody sputum, it is important to be able to have a licensed doctor run a few medical tests as soon as possible. This is very necessary as it could indicate the presence of an underlying internal medical ailment.

In most cases, the buildup of phlegm mucous in the throat is likely to be accompanied by a number of other medical complications such as a headache, sore throat, fever as well as cold, which all contribute to making the individual feel very run down and lethargic. As a result, any kind of treatment should be targeted at, first identifying and then treating the root problem. If the root condition is a simple cold, chances are that it will resolve itself naturally over the course of a few days. However, most people look for alternative natural treatments to help speed things along because of the amount of discomfort the condition causes.

First, and most importantly, one should make sure that his or her body is well hydrated as the body requires an adequate supply of fluids to be able to produce mucous. The more fluid content in the body, the more viscous it is, allowing it to drain off easily and get rid of the infection faster. Daily consumption of about eight 8 ounce glasses of water is recommended. Water does not need to be the only source of fluid intake as it could also be accomplished by consumption of soup although teas and coffees should be avoided as they act as diuretics. Steam being passed through the bronchial tubes and nasal passages would help make the mucus less thick - thereby making it much easier to cough out. While it is very beneficial in loosening the phlegm, steam is also known to have a very beneficial effect on most respiratory conditions such as a cold, thereby making it even more beneficial. Avoid taking any cough expectorants, no matter how much your throat hurts, as they are only going to prolong the treatment of the condition.

answered by G R

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