Cures for bruises on children

The skin is the outer layer of the human body that is designed to protect the body from foreign objects and from infections as well. The skin is made up of many different layers that offer good protection to the body in the case of bumps or scrapes. The skin is designed to regenerate itself over a period of time so that it ends up remaining healthy for long periods of time. The skin is also quite tough, often being able to withstand great forces. A bruise is a type of injury that occurs below the upper layers of the skin. Often, injuries that involve the skin being compressed by a heavy blunt force result in bruising. The skin of the human body covers muscle and other tissue. When the injury occurs, this underlying tissue is damaged. The damaged tissue leaks out blood which collects around the wound site. Naturally, this blood has nowhere to go and collects in the area. The skin covering the injury area remains intact. This leads to the development of a reddish patch under the skin. As the blood oxidizes, it turns dark brown and purple. This is the color that is most commonly associated with a bruise. Bruise wounds tend to be sensitive to touch. Individuals who have bruise injuries may feel tender around the area that they have been injured. Bruises often take days, sometimes weeks, to completely clear up.

One can use a home remedy for bruises to help clear out the bruise faster. This removes the unsightly mark as well as provides the individual with relief from the aching that is felt due to bruising. The most common treatment for bruises involves the use of a cold compress. Any packed item from the freezer can be used as a cold compress. For hygiene reasons, it is best to use ice wrapped in a cloth. The cloth should be thin enough to allow the cold to pass through but thick enough to prevent the wound from getting absolutely chilled. It must be noted that the application of cold as a home remedy for bruises depends entirely on the timescale. If the injury has just occurred, it is a good time to apply the cold pack. However, injuries that are 3 days old or older will not be affected by the use of a cold pack. Cold pack treatment is used to slow down the flow of blood to the area. This leads to less blood forming within the bruise.

Apart from the use of cold, there is no first aid for bruises. After 2 or 3 days from the injury, the patient need not do anything more to help the bruise heal. Some people have found that gentle massaging of the affected area after 3 days is very helpful. This type of massage therapy can be used once the wound has formed. This gentle massage helps to stimulate blood flow, which repairs the affected area. It is interesting to note that the first aid for bruises in children as well as in adults involves techniques that first restrict blood flow and then promote blood flow to the area. The causes of easy bruising in children are many; however there is no specific home remedy for bruises in children. Children will also need a cold pack applied to their injury. Naturally, the parent needs to be applying the pack or at least supervising the application of the pack. Children may be less capable of handling pain and may cry when they are injured. It is important to distract the child while applying the pack as he or she will be easier to deal with if the pain is being ignored. Application of hot and cold compresses is what is therefore required to treat bruises. Checking with the doctor would be essential if the pain has not subsided or your condition does not seem to improve.

answered by G R

If there is a would, wash with warm water and tea tree oil to disinfect. For the bruise, initial treatment should be an ice pack. After that, you can rub Arnica oil into the bruise to ease the pain and help it heal faster. If there is additional pain, you can give your child white willow bark in a capsule as a natural alternative to tylenol or something like that. It is much better for them and there are lesser side effects. Arnica treatment should be several times daily and should be continued until the bruise is gone.

After the initial cold treatment, you can do daily hot/cold therapy which involves the use of hot and cold compresses alternating 5 minutes each between the two. After this phase, you can go directly to a warm, wet cloth placed on the bruise for 15 or 20 minutes daily. A warm cloth is sure to avoid the pouting that will most likely accompany the cold compress! Bruises are no fun for anyone, especially not a child. A hug and kiss from Mom or Dad helps a lot in making things all better and making them forget about the pain.

answered by R P

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