Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy: I am 2 months pregnant and feel tired very soon. What should I do to reduce my fatigue level?

Many women feel tired during the first trimester of their pregnancies. There is a constant feeling of tiredness and fatigue as pregnancy itself puts the body under strain. Hormonal changes and a rise in the level of progesterone cause sluggishness. Also, some women are not able to sleep soundly and have to get up frequently to use the bathroom. vomiting and nausea can also decrease energy levels. Anxiety can also add to normal tiredness and leave you fatigued and exhausted.

How long do you feel exhausted? The severity and duration of exhaustion varies from one woman to another. While many start to get back their zing by the second trimester, others might continue to feel tired through their entire pregnancy. Those who start to feel perked up in their second trimester might again experience fatigue in their seventh month. During that time, women are carrying around more weight and also have trouble sleeping. They might also suffer from leg cramps, heartburn and backache. They also feel like urinating more often and can feel the baby move around during the night which can lead to disturbed sleep.

If you feel tired when into your second trimester and feel there might be some underlying problem, speak with your doctor to rule out depression or anemia.

Coping with fatigue: Listen to your body, and if you are feeling exhausted, go to bed earlier. Also, do take a nap sometime during the day. If you work at an office, and have a cabin of your own, just shut the door for a few minutes, put your head down on the table and just take a quick nap.

This is the time to readjust your schedule. Weed out the social commitments that you do not need to attend and go slow on housework. If you work at an office, speak with your boss and see if you can work part time or get part of your work home, or even better, if you can telecommute. Try to take a few short, rejuvenating breaks throughout your pregnancy.

Pay attention to your diet and eat plenty of nutritious food. Speak with your nutritionist and ask her to work out a diet plan for you. You will need about 300 more calories per day. This should come from skimmed milk, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Avoid junk foods and snack on yogurt and fruits.

Exercise moderately every day as it will give you more energy and will make you feel fresh.

answered by G M

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