Causes and treatment for calcium deposits in shoulder

Calcium deposits can be formed in various parts of the body that causes the bones and soft tissues to harden and settle down mostly in the shoulders. Initially, these deposits are soft and do not pose any harm but as time progresses it turns hard which might create problems. A person will not even know that they have calcium deposits but will begin to realize it only once pain begins gradually in the particular area. Also, even if the deposits are very small, they might get inflamed because of which it begins to hurt. There is a possibility that the calcium deposits may hamper part of the tendon’s rotator cuff due to erosion but this will not be the case if the deposit is on the outside of the rotator cuff. People in the age group between 30 to 40 years are more prone to suffer from calcium deposits and also women are more at risk of getting the same. The exact reason as to why these deposits occur in the first place is still not known but lack of blood supply, the tendon becoming old with age are a few reasons that have been given but without any firm evidence. This condition does not show any symptoms due to which diagnosing it becomes even important.

There are a few remedies that you can try at home to get rid of the calcium deposits in shoulders. However, you need to remember that taking proper rest is primary as resting is the only way to improve your condition. If there is a lot of pain that you experience because of the calcium deposits, you can apply an ice pack as that will numb the pain and provide relief. Also you need to support your shoulder by putting it in a sling. A herbal remedy to prevent the deposition of calcium is alfalfa where you can have this in tea. Add an ounce of dried alfalfa leaves to a glass of water and allow it to boil for around 20 minutes and have two cups of the same daily and could some of the fresh alfalfa seeds for your salad. There are also certain medicines that you can take which your doctor will prescribe to you that help to treat the condition. Surgery is the last resort in case the deposits have become very large or if the person has had repeated episodes of tremendous amount of pain.

answered by G R

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