I have facial hair on sides of my face below cheeks. please suggest a home remedy.

Natural Ways of Removing Facial Hair

There are many natural cures for removing facial hair. The first natural way is waxing. Waxing is the most convenient and easy method of removing facial hair naturally. The method may be a slight painful especially for those who have sensitive skin but nothing can be compared to this natural way of removing facial hair. It is believed that after waxing the growth of hair is slowed down.

For waxing, you don't need to buy a wax box from the medical shop. You can prepare your own wax by mixing almost 2 cups of sugar into one fourth cup of water. Heat the mixture on a low flame with continuous stirring to get a thick brown liquid. This thick brown liquid can be used as wax.

Sugaring is another effective and traditional way of removing unwanted hair. This method had disappeared for some time but has again entered the fashion world. Mix one cup sugar, few drops of lemon and one fourth cup honey, cornstarch and molasses. Heat the mixture in a microwave to obtain a smooth consistency. Sprinkle cornstarch on the area with unwanted hair. Apply the mixture and remove hair using waxing strips. Threading and bleaching are also effective when it comes to remove facial hairs. Bleaching can be done with lime juice or chamomile tea.

answered by J

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