Are there any natural products to address Hypothyroidism?

Thyroid hormones play important functions in the body like in regulating basic metabolic rate, heart rate and other metabolic processes. Any decrease or increase in these hormones can upset many body functions. Hypothyroidism can affect your body in different ways and cause excessive and unexplained weight gain (in spite of low food intake), heart problems, infertility and joint pain. For correct treatment consult a specialist who would prescribe accurate dosage of these hormones to regulate the body functions after performing certain thyroid tests. Any natural products or supplements should not be started before consulting a health care specialist or your own specialist to avoid further complications and side effects of those products. Take a tsp. of concentrated wheat grass juice, barley grass juice, spirulina or chlorella in a glass of water daily (only after your specialist approves). You can avoid foods high in goitrogens which include mustard, cabbage, peanuts, soybean, turnips, pine nuts, cassava root and millets. But if it is served in cooked form then you should not be concerned as goitrogens are destroyed when cooked.

answered by Dr S

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