Hair Types

by Sharon Hopkins

There are mainly three types of hair - Dry hair, Oily Hair and Normal Hair.

What is Dry Hair

Dry hair type is usually due to the inactivity of the oil glands under the scalp. Other factors that cause dry hair include over-exposure to sunlight as well as the use of harsh and abrasive shampoos and other chemical cleansers to clean the scalp and hair. Another important factor that can cause dry hair is blocked oil pores that do not provide the nourishment that the hair needs. In order to deal with the dry type of hair, it is important to massage the scalp well with the finger tips in order to stimulate blood circulation, at least two times a week. For all hair types, it is important to follow a diet abundant in zinc. Always make use of a mild cleansing agent in cleaning the hair and scalp while avoiding harsh as the chemicals in them are likely to remove the outer protein layer of the hair, further worsening the already dried condition of the scalp. it is best to avoid hair curlers, crimpers, rollers and hair dryers.

What is Oily Hair

Oily hair is easily distinguished due to the oily appearance of the hair. Oily hair is usually accompanied by oily skin due to the over secretion of oil from the oil glands. The hair is affected by the oil secreted through the scalp and appears greasy even after washing and as it draws in a lot of dirt. Oily hair must be cleansed thoroughly and with greater frequency as compared to dry hair. As a dietary measure, preventing the intake of oily foods and substituting them for green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits may help in balancing the oil control.

The best way to understand your hair type is to pat a tissue on the scalp, on the second day after a hair wash or shampoo. If the tissue reveals a slight oil blot, it shows normal hair type. However, if the tissue does not show any kind of blot, it is an indication of dry hair type. In an oily hair type scenario, the hair strands may stick to each other and a visibly oily splotch will be seen on the tissue.
Having normal or a balanced hair type is most ideal. If the hair is left neglected it can damage the attractiveness of an individual's contour. Hair that is in poor condition due to sheer neglect, or due to harsh treatment, must be treated with care as soon as possible in order to rejuvenate its bounciness and lustrous sheen once again.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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