Can Stress Cause Abdominal Pain

by Sam Malone

People who suffer from severe stress may experience many physical distresses that are mostly stress related. There are a variety of ways in which mental or emotional stress can be linked to physical pain, especially in the upper abdominal region. Often, a doctor may find that there is nothing physically wrong with the person, but the person continues to experience pain in the abdomen.

Studies have shown that irritable bowel syndrome, a condition which causes a lot of abdominal discomfort, is related to excessive stress. Long-term anxiety may is one of the most common causes of IBS and may also cause diarrhea and stomach upsets. However, relaxation techniques and changes in eating habits can often help in reducing the symptoms of stress.

Although the causes of the symptoms are largely unknown, stress may also be related to constipation. When a person is severely constipated, it may cause extreme pain in the abdomen. There are many home remedies and over-the-counter medications for constipation. However, treating stress, which is the underlying cause of constipation, needs to be treated first. Thus, pain in the abdomen, caused by severe Constipation, may be eased by practicing relaxation techniques.

A lot of times, stress induces psychosomatic pain as well. Psychosomatic pain is when the pain that you experience is only psychological and has no physical cause. This kind of pain is usually experienced in the chest, abdomen and the head. Painkillers usually do not help much as there are no physiological causes to the pain. The doctors too are usually confounded because the pain is only psychological, that is, caused due to stress.

Although there are a lot of physical conditions that can result due to stress, peptic ulcers have not been linked with it yet. However, stress may affect the metabolism of a person, and continued stress may also cause a person to suffer from diseases like hypertension, or less severe conditions such as Indigestion and flatulence. All of these can cause pain in various regions of the abdomen.

Medications usually do not help a person when the abdominal pain is associated with stress. If the doctors are not able to find anything wrong physiologically, relaxation techniques should be employed to cure these physical manifestations of stress. yoga and meditation are two of the most successful routines for relieving stress. When practiced regularly, both yoga and meditation can help in improving symptoms of stress as well as overall health.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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