Treatment for Cushing Syndrome

Treatment for Cushing Syndrome involves bringing down the cortisol levels in your body. Some of the options for treatment include the following.

  • Reducing the Use of Corticosteroid: If the reason for Cushing Syndrome is because of long term corticosteroid medication use, then your doctor may ask you to reduce the intake of this drug over a time. It is important that you don’t reduce or stop taking the corticosteroid drugs on your own. It should only be done under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Surgery: If a tumor is the cause of Cushing Syndrome it may be required to surgically remove it. Pituitary tumors are usually extracted by a neurosurgeon. This procedure may be performed through the nose. Tumors in the adrenal gland, pancreas or lungs can be removed by a standard surgical procedure.
  • Radiation Therapy: If the pituitary tumor cannot be completely removed by the surgeon, radiation therapy may be prescribed along with the operation. Radiation may also be used in individuals who are not suitable for surgery.
  • Medications: To control the production of cortisol, medications can be used when radiation and surgery don’t work. Drug therapy is recommended prior to surgery to deal with the symptoms. Some of the medications to control cortisol include metyrapone (Metopirone), mitotane (Lysodren) and ketoconazole (Nizoral).