what are the levels of vertigo?

Vertigo is a condition in which an individual experiences a sensation where he feels that the environment around him is spinning. Vertigo can be of two types, subjective vertigo in which the individual feels that he himself is moving and objective vertigo in which the individual perceives that his surroundings are moving. It is different from dizziness and its causes are few. Conditions of the inner ear and brain are likely to cause vertigo. Vertigo in its most common form is called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in which sudden movements of the head result in a sensation of spinning. Inner ear inflammation may also bring on vertigo along with loss of hearing. Meniere's disease is another condition which may result in vertigo among other symptoms. When the blood supply to the brain is reduced, vertigo can also develop. Vertigo also results when an individual is affected by multiple sclerosis. Injuries to the neck and head also cause vertigo, which usually disappears on its own after some time. A severe migraine can also result in vertigo along with the headache.

When vertigo occurs, the individual begins to feel disoriented or perceives a spinning sensation. Other symptoms such as sweating, nausea and unusual eye movements may also develop. These symptoms can last for periods that range from a few minutes to a few hours. Whenever there is movement or a position change, the symptoms can occur. There may also be an accompanying loss of hearing and a ringing in the ears. In addition, disruptions in vision, inability to walk properly and weakness may also be present. It is important to seek medical advice and undergo an examination to determine the cause and seek the appropriate treatment.

An effective vertigo remedies for preventing an onset of vertigo is to take a couple of tablespoons of wheat grain, one teaspoon of poppy seeds, eight watermelon seeds and eight almonds. Make a paste of these ingredients and add two roasted cloves to it. Mix this with milk and consume the mixture daily for about a week. A Chinese herb known as gingko biloba is believed to enhance blood circulation in the brain region. This helps to alleviate vertigo symptoms. Ginger, too, is known to be effective in dealing with vertigo. It can be taken during a bout of vertigo to get relief from the symptoms. Another effective home remedy for treating vertigo is to soak coriander seeds in water and allow it to stay overnight. Strain and drink the water the next morning. A mixture of lemon juice, black pepper and salt mixed with water is also beneficial in providing relief from vertigo.

answered by G M

Vertigo is a type of giddiness and even though giddiness and vertigo are often used in an interchangeable manner, they do not mean the same thing. While all vertigo is giddiness, not all giddiness means vertigo. In most people, vertigo is result of kinetosis or motion sickness.

Kinetosis is likely to develop in people whose inner ear is highly sensitive to specific motions, such as swinging, rocking, shaking, sudden stopping and starting. Another common cause of vertigo is the unnatural accumulation of calcium particles in the curved canal of the inner ear. This form of vertigo usually takes place among older people and is known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV. The disorder takes place occurs when the head is moved in particular ways. The symptoms of this condition can be worrisome but they tend to fade in a few seconds. In order to reduce its occurrence it is best to avoiding positions that bring this on. It is the most common form of vertigo, and often takes place for no evident reason. In some cases, vertigo can accompany an ear infection, head or ear trauma. When it takes place it is believed to result from the repositioning of the natural crystalline structures in the ear's balance sensors.

One particular disorder known as Meniere's disease is also known to induce vertigo attacks. Meniere's disease takes place when there is a formation of surplus fluid in the inner ear. What triggers Meniere's disease is not known but it is likely due to the result of an autoimmune response, an allergic reaction, disequilibrium in the autonomic nervous system, an obstruction in specific structures within the ear, or an infection caused by a virus.

Changes of the cranial nerve in the auditory system may also cause vertigo, a hearing problem and sometimes even both. Some other physical conditions that may cause vertigo by impacting the internal ear or its nerve connectors include the following:

  • Infections due to bacteria or virus, such as vestibular neuritis, herpes varicella zoster, and inflammation of the mastoids (the temporal bone behind the ear at the base of the skull)
  • Paget's disease - A disease of the bone that often occurs in the middle aged and the elderly. This disease leads to extreme bone destruction. This in turn makes the patient vulnerable to fractures and skeletal deformities. Many people suffering from Paget’s disease complain of severe bone pain.
  • An abnormal new mass of tissue, surrounding the auditory nerves.
  • An injury caused to the auditory nerves

answered by G M

Health advice for vertigo

  • Soak 1 tsp of poppy (khus-khus) seeds, 2 tbsp of wheat grain, 8 watermelon seeds and 8 almonds in water and make their paste. Fry 2 clove spices in 1 tsp of heated pure clarified butter and add this to the paste. Now, mix this with milk and drink it once everyday.
  • Soak 1 tsp of coriander seeds and 1 tsp of Indian gooseberry powder in water overnight. Strain this solution in the morning, add ½ tsp of water to it and drink it once a day regularly.
  • Drink 3 glasses of very cold water everyday.
  • Before getting up from bed turn to your side and then slowly raise your body. Do not turn or get up suddenly from a sitting position.
  • Add some black pepper powder, common salt and a few drops of lemon juice to 1 glass of water and drink it to get relief from your condition.
  • Avoid aerated drinks, diet drinks, tea, coffee, smoking and alcohol.
  • Take 2 capsules of ginger 3 times a day or a 40 mg tablet of Ginkgo Biloba once a day.
  • Have vitamin B complex, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, choline and rutin regularly.

answered by D D

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