Please help me to reduce swollen eye lids?

Natural Cure for Swollen Eyelids

Here are some of the powerful sources and methods of reducing puffiness in the eyelids or under the eyes.

  • Take few cloves and rub them in water. Apply the rubbed clove over the eyelid to get relief.
  • Poultice of grated potato is also beneficial in diminishing inflammation.
  • Place the pulpy and soft side of the aloe leaf on the eye sore.
  • Boil 1 tsp of coriander seeds in a cupful of water. Use this water to rinse your eyes.
  • Boil turmeric in 2 cups of water and continue boiling until the water turns to half. Cool and strain the boiled water. Use this as eye drops. Turmeric has great healing properties and is used for various other health disorders also.
  • Alum dissolved in water is also a good eye wash.
  • Take few guava leaves and wrap it in a damp cloth. Place this compress over your eyes to get rid of redness, swelling and pain.
  • Boiling acacia leaves in 2 cups of water also serves as a good eye compress.
  • Take two slices of cucumber slices and place it over closed eyelids. This will reduce inflammation and will also help to moisturize and tone the skin around your eyes. Cucumber is said to have the largest percentage of water and this water is proved to be magical over eye puffiness.
  • Chamomile tea bag is another effective remedy for swollen eyelids.

answered by J

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