What can you do for a pulled tendon in the ankle?

If you have your tendon pulled, try the following home remedies:

  • Place ice on the pulled tendon. Ice will help in reducing inflammation.
  • Carefully stretch your affected tendon using slow and smooth motions. Stretching is required for both prevention and treatment. Ensure that you don’t over stretch your tendon that you tear your tissues and feel severe pain.
  • You can try on some over-the-counter remedies such as aspirin and ibuprofen. These will give you immediate relief form pain.
  • You can also try using liniments over the affected tendon to ease pain. Don’t use a heating pad along with liniments as this may cause painful burns.
  • Warm compress also helps in reducing the pain in your ankle caused due to a pulled tendon.
  • Rest your ankle or elevate it above the heart level. This will help in reducing inflammation.
  • Massage your ankle with a good antiseptic oil or cream. This will help in relaxing the muscles and tendon, making it more comfortable for you to stretch your tendon. Massaging is one of the best ways to heal inflamed tendon.
  • Regular exercise and stretching is must to keep your tendons and muscles active but over exercise can result in a pulled tendon. So, avoid over exercise and prevent your muscles and tendon from being over used.

answered by J

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