Does anyone know how to make saline solution for an eye infection?

Before you use any kind of solution in your eyes, it is better to make sure that you do have an infection and identify the kind of infection. You have not mentioned if your eyes are red or if there is any kind of discharge. Therefore it is better to visit the doctor and seek a diagnosis of your condition.

What you can do to ease your discomfort at home, is to ensure that the affected eye is kept clean. You can use warm water to bathe the eye. Dip a clean cloth or a piece of cotton into warm water and bathe your eye repeatedly. If your eyes feel gritty and itch badly, then you can use cold water to wash them. Splash cold water on your face and eyes repeatedly. Pat them dry with a clean towel. For a very mild infection of the eyes, salt works on some people simply add a pinch of salt to a pot of warm water. Dip balls of cotton into this and wipe your eyes with this. You can also leave the balls of cotton on your eyes for a little while, to ensure that the remedy works. Any towel or handkerchief that comes into contact with your infected eye should immediately put into the wash basket. Using these clothes could only lead to your spreading the infection.

answered by G R

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