Instant Toothache Relief

what home remedies can i take to cure a toothache until i see my dentist in 72 hours the hospital wouldnt give me medication for it despite me in extreme pain

Oral hygiene is extremely important to avoid problems like tooth aches and decays which can be very painful and uncomfortable. There are a number of home remedies which can help provide relief from toothache and inflammation and are also safe to use. Placing a garlic clove along with some rock salt on the aching tooth is a great home remedy for instant toothache relief. Applying ice on the affected tooth also helps in numbing the tooth pain effectively. Similarly, a small piece of raw onion can also be placed on the aching tooth to provide relief from the pain. Onion has strong antibacterial properties which are effective in killing oral germs and therefore providing pain relief.

Another one of the home remedies for toothache relief is asafetida. This bitter and foul smelling remedy provides instant pain relief and can be used without the fear of any side effects. The most commonly used home cure for an aching tooth is clove oil. Clove oil can either be applied directly on the affected tooth or can be dabbed on with the help of a cotton ball. A mixture of common salt and pepper powder is also very effective in providing instant toothache relief.

answered by M W

What causes a toothache?

A toothache is mostly experienced by individuals in the form of a sharp and short or even prolonged pain in the jaw which may react adversely to any cold, sweet, sour or hot stimuli. Some of the typical causes of a toothache include a fracture of a particular tooth or even dental decay. Another one of the causes of toothache may be a cracked tooth which may barely be visible to the naked eye thereby making it difficult to diagnose. Similarly causes of toothache also include irritation of the pulp of the tooth after a dental treatment on account of the materials used or the dental treatment itself. Overly vigorous brushing of the teeth along with a tooth root that may have been exposed because of receding gums are also causes of toothache.

Some of the other causes of a toothache are infected gums, abscess of a tooth or even because of repetitive motions such as grinding of teeth or chewing gum. Symptoms of toothache include swelling around the particular tooth along with a constant or temporary pain, headache or a fever. Besides theses the other symptoms of toothache also include a foul tasting emission from the tooth that may be infected. There may also be some swelling as well as bleeding around the gums or tooth.

answered by A S

How to get rid of a toothache?

Many people are keen on knowing how to get rid of a toothache fast as it may act as a hindrance to ones day to day work on account of the constant throbbing pain. One of the cures for toothache is to place a clove of garlic along with a pinch of rock salt on the infected tooth to gain relief from the pain. One may also chew on a garlic clove to get rid of a toothache fast. The antibacterial properties of garlic will help soothe the affected tooth and also aid in treatment. Another one of the effective cures for toothache is to place a few drops of vanilla extract on the affected tooth to gain instant relief from the pain.

To get rid of a toothache fast one may also press a hot tea bag against the tooth that is paining. One of the excellent cures for toothache is to use some wheatgrass as a mouthwash. Wheatgrass is known to cure a toothache because it prohibits the growth of bacteria by drawing out the toxins. Alternatively to get rid of a toothache fast one may also apply some clove oil to the cavity in the tooth that has decayed. This home remedy is known to provide one with instant relief from the pain associated with a toothache.

answered by G R

Are there any natural remedies for toothaches?

Toothaches are a very common problem all over the world. All people in the world will suffer from at least one major tooth complication through the course of his or her lifetime. Gingivitis, is the most common cause of a toothache. Besides this there are many other causes for the condition as well. Since toothache is a common condition and causes immense discomfort to the individual, remedies for the same are not very difficult to find. If you are sacred of visiting a doctor and are questioning, "are there any natural remedies for toothache"; the answer is yes.

Chewing on raw onion is considered to be one of the most effective natural methods of treatment for toothaches because of the highly potent anti fungal as well as anti bacterial characteristics of the vegetable. With regards to the foods for toothache, one is suggested to avoid consuming that may be rather hard and require some significant amount of chewing as this would place additional stress on the affected tooth causing pain. Foods that are sweet like chocolates and pastries are also known to irritate the nerve - causing a sharp throbbing pain. It is therefore recommended that you avoid these foods for sometime even after the toothache is gone.

answered by G M

There are a few things you can use warm salt water, you can use anbesol also try taking a couple of bayer asprin. i found that bayer always worked better than tylenol. also if you have some peroxide at home you can rinse your mouth with that. another thing that i do is i put a warm heating pad on the side where i have the toothache sometimes for some strange reason the heat also seems to help. good luck with your toothache. i know how painful they can be.

answered by h c

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