Home Remedies for Sore Nipples

Are there any natural remedies for sore nipples am 36 wks pregnant and have suffered all through, my nipples some times change colour

Apart from the gaining weight, there are several changes that a woman's body undergoes, during the different stages of pregnancy. The surge of hormones increases the flow of blood to the breasts and at the same time, it increases the volume of the breast tissues. This is why several pregnant women complain that their breasts feel sore, swollen, tingly and very sensitive to the touch. Tenderness in the nipples starts right at the beginning and can also be regarded as one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses, it is quite natural for the breasts to get bigger.

This causes the skin in the breast area to stretch, leading to itchiness and maybe even stretch marks. Being able to see the veins under the skin of the breast, as well as a change in the color of the nipple are all natural signs of a progressing pregnancy. In case you are suffering from sore nipples during pregnancy, you should mention it to your doctor, who may be able to suggest safe remedies that will affect neither you nor the baby. While there are several home remedies for sore nipples that can be used to alleviate the discomfort caused by this condition, they should only be used after you get a "go ahead" from your doctor. Given below are some of the most common natural remedies for sore nipples:

  • Saline soaks: Take a cup of warm water and add a teaspoon of salt to it. Soak your nipple in the warm saline water for at least ten minutes, before allowing it to air dry.
  • Hydrogel pads: These pads are easily available at any pharmacy and are often used by nursing mothers who suffer from cracked and sore nipples. Cool the hydrogel pads in a refrigerator and then wear them in your bra, for relief from the soreness.
  • Ointments: Several doctors recommend the use of certain ointments during the latter part of the pregnancy, for relief from sore nipples. You could use these ointments right till the early weeks of nursing the baby.
  • Clothing: At times, the material you choose to wear may cause your skin to itch, which could lead to sore breasts and nipples too. In case the detergent you are using to wash your clothes contains chemicals that are too harsh, it can aggravate this problem.
However, while the remedies mentioned above are believed to be natural, it is important to consult your doctor or gynecologist before trying out any of them.

answered by G M

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